FortFight 2021 - Photos

Na donjem linku uploadujemo sve fotografije sa takmičenja ovih dana, deo po deo. Svaki novi UPDATE ćemo objaviti na storiju sa naše dve instagram stranice @crossfit_ns i @fortfightcompetition. Ako link ne bude radio, znači da je pukao od prevelike navale pa ćete morati malo da se strpite dok ne dodje sebi :) 

Velika molba: tagujte naše instagram stranice i FOTOGRAFE u vašim postovima i storijima. Mislim da su to zaslužili :)

On the link below, we are uploading all the photos from the competition in the upcoming days, part by part. We will post each new UPDATE to the story feed our our two Instagram pages @crossfit_ns and @fortfightcompetition. If the link doesn't work, it means that it burst from too much activity, so you will have to be patient for a while until it comes to its senses :)

Only one request: tag our Instagram pages and PHOTOGRAPHERS in your posts and stories. We think they deserved it :)



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